How to stand out on social media?

How do you stand out on social media?

How do your potential customers notice you?

How do you maintain a consistently professional, high-quality image that radiates your brand values? 

Here are the 4 keys to success:

  1. Bring a compelling and authentic STORY: What makes your business unique? What values ​​do you stand for? Translate that unique story in 3 tot 5 key messages you keep repeating throughout your communication.
  2. Build a strong brand IDENTITY with consistent use of colors, recognizable photography and a unique tone of voice, all stemming from one central brand archetype.
  3. Make sure you know the AUDIENCE you are talking to: look for the drivers of your target audience to choose you. What would convince them? What would hold them back? 
  1. Create different types of CONTENT that fit your brand and that could potentially resonate with your target groups. Keep testing, evaluating and adjusting.